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Since retiring from the Bureau, JAMES J. WEDICK has been retained as a consultant and FBI expert in three [3] nationally publicized federal terrorism prosecutions held in Sacramento, California; Miami, Florida; and Tacoma, Washington. In each case, either the Bureau initiated an undercover operation, conducted numerous hours of electronic surveillance, used cooperating witnesses and/or defendants, and/or employed “paid” government informants—making “cash” payments totaling in excess of several hundred-thousand-dollars.

In the Sacramento case—following a 4-year FBI undercover operation—two Lodi, California men were charged with providing material support to terrorists and making false statements. After a 2-month trial involving separate juries, one defendant was found guilty with the second defendant released after the trial judge declared a “mistrial” and the defendant later pled guilty to a Customs violation and was credited with time served. After the verdict was returned, Mr. WEDICK successfully secured juror affidavits suggesting racial bias and misconduct contributed to the one “guilty” verdict, with the case being appealed to the 9th Circuit in San Francisco. For an in-depth analysis of the government’s case—including an interview with Mr. WEDICK—see the PBS FRONTLINE documentary titled, “ENEMY WITHIN” that aired October 2006, as well as a special NBC report prepared by LISA MYERS titled, “REASONABLE DOUBT,” and a LOS ANGELES TIMES Sunday Magazine cover story titled, “MUZZLED” by MARK ARAX published in May 2006.

In the Miami case—named the LIBERTY CITY SEVEN by the media—the FBI alleged seven defendants wanted to form an allegiance with OSAMA BIN LADEN and later “bomb” the Chicago Sears Tower. Because the FBI did not collect any physical evidence suggesting the defendants posed a serious threat, the government twice “failed” to secure a single “guilty” verdict, with the least culpable defendant “acquitted.” But rather than admit the Miami prosecution was a “mistake,” the U.S. Attorney again signaled the government would try the case again in 2009.
Scale of Justice

In the Tacoma, Washington investigation, a 32-year old single mother was prosecuted after she was identified by the FBI as being a lookout in a team of suspected EARTH LIBERATION FRONT [ELF] saboteurs who, in 2001, reportedly firebombed the University of Washington’s Center of Urban Horticulture. Similar to the Miami and Sacramento prosecutions, the Tacoma jury had trouble with the government’s evidence—deadlocking on the three most serious counts concerning planting a firebomb—but did find the defendant guilty of arson noting she was later sentenced to 6-years incarceration.

For assistance defending a client charged with terrorism, Mr. WEDICK suggests contact be made with him early so that he has time to review appropriate FBI and/or police reports and can render a professional opinion if you suspect agents violated accepted FBI Policies & Procedures and/or the Attorney General Guidelines because of the use of a Confidential Informant or Cooperating Witness.

Disclaimer: Because Mr. Wedick retired from the FBI in 2004, he does "not" have any current affiliation or connection with the U.S.
Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and/or the United States Government.

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